Den Videospieleklassiker Pong adaptieren und als Eingabegeräte Taschenlampen statt Drehregler verwenden. Konkret soll Flashlight Pong im Eingangsbereich des Institutes auf dem dort installierten Display spielbar sein.
Dieser Eintrag wurde am 21. September 2006 um 14:58 geschrieben und in der Kategorie Adobe Flash, Display, Entwurf, Flashlight Pong, Wiring abgelegt.
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[...] Here’s yet another way to play pong, using two flashlights and light sensors to control the paddles – neat… [via] – Original Link. [...]
[...] Project Page [Diaplsy22 via TechEBlog] [...]
[...] Project Page [Diaplsy22 via TechEBlog] [...]
[...] display22 | Labor für Interaktion Den Videospieleklassiker Pong adaptieren und als Eingabegeräte Taschenlampen statt Drehregler verwenden. Konkret soll Flashlight Pong im Eingangsbereich des Institutes auf dem dort installierten Display spielbar sein. (tags: 2006 at_tecp flashlight pong games realidade_aumentada video) [...]
[...] Project Page [Diaplsy22 via TechEBlog] [...]
first of all, congratulations with all your impressive realizations.
My name is Bart Verschueren, and I’m currently curating an exhibition about
the game PONG.
It’s a project in wich we try to make a fine selection of all kinds of
modern, excuisite interpretations of the PONG Game that reflects the state
technology is in at the moment. Logically we chose to work with PONG, as it
is the archetype of all games ever made.
A second reason of this upcomming expo is to give the audience a taste of
what’s possible within the concept of ‘interpretating’ PONG in an artistic
way. This, because a big competition will start together with the exhibit in
wich we ask the participants to create an own valuable piece of PONG-art.
The PONG-expo will take place at the end of august 2007, in Brussels,
The competition starts together with the expo and will last untill Gamezone
deSingel 2007(, in wich we will exhibit the
most creative ones and the winners offcourse.
The team is very interessed in your piece in wich Pong is played with
lightsensors. So I would like to ask you if we can have the honour
to show this piece at our exibithion.
For this, we need as much information as possible.
In the first place, we want to know if it’s available at the end of august.
But we also need specific prizes and related costs (rent, transportation,
insurance,…). And last, we are interested in maybe buying the work (if
it’s on sale, that is), so a price in that order is also very welcome.
I hope to hear from you soon, and that we can coöperate in the future,
eagerly waiting for reply,…
Bart Verschueren
@Bart: Thank you for your kind words about the project. I´ve sent you an email with further info and some questions…